A foundation for thriving bioregions
The tools we make and the experiments we conduct are for the benefit of all.
The Watershed is the container where we receive and steward resources in support of our efforts to nurture systems, tools, and infrastructure for the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

We need your help to fill the watershed
We have structured our organization in a way that represents our values, creating diverse options for how we fill our wells, and allow supporters and partners to contribute resources to our mission. Currently, we manage Terran Collective LLC, a software development and consulting agency that works with aligned partners and focuses on the development of Hylo. Our agency is our primary source of income, which funds our pro bono work to care for our bioregion.
Moving forward, we want to offer more and more in the spirit of the gift. Thus, we are birthing Terran Watershed as the source of life that will allow us to more fully pursue our purpose and share our gifts with the world.
Terran Watershed is a non-profit 501c3, fiscally sponsored by our friends and allies at Empowerment Works. We are asking for contributions to our Watershed in the form of tax deductible donations.
Our work in six scopes of practice - storytelling, community, technology, bioregions, commoning, and solidarity - is in the form of a gift. Your donations to Terran Watershed support our ability to offer those gifts to the world.
How will resources in the watershed be used?
Storytelling for cultural evolution
Achieving our goals will require major shifts in our cultural narratives, to evolve deep-rooted beliefs of fear, scarcity and separation to agency, abundance and interdependence. Terran creates hopeful and inspiring content, memes, events, and more, in order to build a movement which aligns us around a new shared purpose for civilization - creating a world that works for all.
2023 Outcomes
Publishing monthly articles on our work in the six scopes of practice
Speaking at gatherings and conferences, and leading workshops
Sharing new narratives through Inheritance Day
Community weaving
Through community, we can develop resilience amidst rapid change, heal and regenerate the land we live on, and step into solidarity, equity and abundance together. All our work is ultimately about building deeper, stronger, relationships based on trust.
2023 Outcomes
Coordinate 1 Action Day per quarter in 2020 that results in 5+ high quality connections per participant
Convene 1 community gathering per month to deepen existing relationships.
Technology for thriving
We envision technology that will foster new commons, strengthen communities and nurture healthy individuals. Our tools are built from the ground up to operate as public utilities and protocols, for the use of all in perpetuity, where governance, maintenance costs, and abundance generated are distributed among the community.
2023 Outcomes
Develop & release technological roadmap in partnership with allied bioregional communities
Build and release our core platform for collaboration and prototype a relationship graph
Collaborative ecosystem mapping
In order to transition from an extractive system to a closed-loop, regenerative system, we must map resource flows and share the findings transparently. During 2020, we will map the ecosystem of regenerative projects in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our research examines the hidden landscape of the human and natural world, and how we can build networks so that resources, energy and knowledge flow freely outside of the market.
2023 Outcomes
Interview 5-10 organizations in the bioregion to understand their context, needs, and offerings, and how we can best collaborate
Map resource flows of the Bay Area regenerative community, prioritizing interoperability with existing mapping efforts
Regenerating the commons
With new maps, technology, and a culture that has learned how to rely on community and relationships, a new cooperative landscape opens up. Stewarding this rebirthed commons will only be possible with evolved systems for collective ownership, decision-making and governance. We seek to build models that allow for communities to steward commons in ways that are more efficient and more empowering than current corporate, non-profit or governmental platforms.
2023 Outcomes
Nurture development of 3 initial bioregional guilds & identify tools needed to help them
Experiment in collective governance and financial solidarity within Terran
We are seeking divestors
Divestors are people who understand the need to transfer resources from the extractive economy to the regenerative economy as quickly as possible. Transforming fixed fiat wealth into cascading ecosystem/bioregional/living abundance. So currency may become a current for good. 🌊
Investment looks for returns for the investor, usually within a time-horizon that causes investors to think in very short terms. Our plan for economic and ecologic thriving is long-term: We are developing systems, tools and communities that work for the seven generations yet to come. When you divest into this collective, you are seeking returns for your grandchildren and the bioregional communities within which they will thrive.

For the last three years we have contributed our extra time and energy, and have supported each other financially to work on this vision. We are committed to building a way of life that realizes the hopes in our hearts, and we see this as a lifetime project. Any resources we receive, any help we receive, will help us to accomplish our goals sooner, and be able to share our research, tools and systems with the world more rapidly
We are doing this work for the people and the Earth, not to enrich ourselves or investors. We don’t expect traditional investment structures such as venture capital to understand the value of this work, so we are asking you, our community, to join with us in creating a better world. Please consider giving a monthly donation of time or money. We believe that the community patronage model could be an example of how we can fund the transformative work that is required at this time. We are also of course happy to accept larger one time donations to give us a big rocket boost as we leap into this work whole-heartedly.
We are asking you to trust us and join us in this radical experiment, to see if we can give ourselves over completely to be of service to our bioregion and the world. Now is the time for to put our energy and resources into radical experimentation and change. The world is calling for a transition from the extractive economy into the regenerative economy, so we can liberate our communities, ecosystems, and align with our true value systems. And stop us from destroying ourselves and the planet. Help us begin right now, right here, with us.