Coordination works better in the context of healthy relationships
Community is at the heart of our work. In order to bring about new systems, we need new ways of being in relationship. We see community as the place to experiment with these new ways of being.
You are invited to join our community, to participate in our gatherings and to collaborate in realizing a vision of a better world.

Join the conversation
If you’d like to chat with us, please join us on Hylo and say hello. Join our email list for seasonal updates.

Gather in person
We meet monthly in person in the Bay Area. The components of our gatherings are:
- Gathering around a theme
- Sharing needs, offers, and updates
- Sharing food and connection
Our gatherings are open to all. If you are working towards a more beautiful world, we invite you to join us. We have prepared a seat for you at our table.
On the internet
Our monthly video call is a place for the members of the bioregion to come together and share resources. During our 1-1.5hr calls, we will:
- Participants share about their work
- Break out into groups to focus on emergent opportunities and areas of interest.
- Discuss a topic or theme
All are invited; structure is dynamic according to how many people attend.

Bioregional Allies
The following is an incomplete list of organizations we see practicing regeneration in the San Francisco Bay Area bioregion. If you are engaged in this work and not on this list, we would love to connect and understand how to amplify your work.

Land-based communities and farms
Here are a number of communities we know about practicing regeneration in big ways and small. If you have a land-based community practicing regeneration in the Bay Area, reach out to us: We want to meet you and support your work.